Funding Types
Documents and Links
- Assistantship Hiring Guidelines (25-26, added 3/2025)
- PeopleSoft HR Hiring System »
Submit hires, changes and terminations through the PeopleSoft HR System.
Financial Aid Forms and Instructions »
Submit the form to Financial Aid and send a copy to the Graduate School.
Financial Aid Forms and Instructions »
Separate form for summer term.
Submit the form to Grants and Accounting if funded by a grant or to Financial Aid if using other funds. Send a copy of the completed form to the Graduate School.
Specific fellowships and awards are managed by the Graduate School and Graduate Council. Instructions for each award are provided on the Fellowships and Awards page.
Ph.D. and MFA students apply through the Travel Grant Application for funding to travel to conferences. Applications are available the first week of each quarter (September, December, March and June). See the Travel Grant webpage for more information
Documents and Links
Graduate Assistantship (GA), Graduate Student hourly positions and university temporary hires are all processed through the PeopleSoft HR Hiring system. Summer GAs must be enrolled in 3 or more credit hours or be approved for Z-Status if enrolling in only 1-2 credit hours. There is no Summer enrollment required for continuing students in non-assistantship positions or in university TFAC hires.
Non-resident students hired as Graduate Assistants and those who receive a fellowship or traineeship for $250/term are eligible to receive exemption credits to bring their tuition balance equal to resident tuition rates.
Credits will be applied to student accounts after eligible assistantships, fellowships or traineeships are processed through the Graduate School.
Documents and Links
Submit your form to Financial Aid. The award amount is released to students based on enrollment.