Coaching Teacher Award of Excellence
As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain positive relationships with our partners, the College of Education's Gamecock EdQuarters unit recognizes select mentors with this award.
Real-world experiences are paramount in preparing for a career in education. Because of this, the College of Education is committed to providing a range of diverse field placements appropriate for your chosen discipline. Whether you have chosen a career in teaching or counseling, you will gain valuable experience working alongside your peers in the field.
Clinical Experiences coordinates placements for candidates in our teacher preparation programs, including placements for those candidates enrolled in our online Palmetto College Elementary Education Program. We maintain positive collaborative relationships between the University of South Carolina's educator preparation programs and over 140 P-12 schools in 33 districts in Columbia and surrounding communities including Partnership Sites and Professional Development Schools.
A resource for interns, coaching teachers, and university supervisors; this manual contains all policies, procedures, and forms related to internship experience(s).
This form is designed to serve as an additional layer of support for interns and are not meant to be punitive (used only in internship experiences).
This form serves as a support document for students in practicums and methods courses prior to their internship experience(s).
Prior to completing this form, each rater (CT and US) should have used the Professional Dispositions Rubric Descriptors to assign points based on patterns of professional behavior exhibited by the intern.
Expanded ADEPT incorporates the four domains of Instruction, Planning, Environment and Professionalism and adds the dimension of Student Growth. It also provides a level four professional practice rubric that is used as a coaching and growth tool leading to a summative evaluation of teaching. This rubric is called South Carolina Teaching Standards 4.0. This section contains all evaluation documents, checklists, and other forms related to SCTS 4.0, including the College of Education’s Disposition Rubric.
This mid-semester formative evaluation is based on consensus using formative and/or summative observations by the Coaching Teacher and University Supervisor.
This final semester formative evaluation is based on consensus using formative and/or summative observations by the Coaching Teacher and University Supervisor.
This mid-semester formative evaluation is based on consensus using formative and/or summative observations by the Coaching Teacher and University Supervisor.
This final semester formative evaluation is based on consensus using formative and/or summative observations by the Coaching Teacher and University Supervisor.
The official Rubric Form for districts using the state model for teacher evaluation.