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Our collections include manuscripts, electronic records and audiovisual materials documenting the activities of South Carolina’s leaders in Congress and the General Assembly, the state’s political parties, and other individuals and organizations playing substantive roles in politics and government. 

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Bench and Bar
Civil Rights
Democratic Party
Grass Roots
Republican Party
State Leaders
Oral History
Digital Content

 Collection Resources Keywords
(hidden column)

Appleby, Charles L., Jr. (1923-2021)
Republican Party

Finding aid  Republican Party
Ashmore, Robert T. (1904-1989)
Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
Congress, Oral History, U.S. House of Representatives 
Averyt, Gayle (b. 1933)
Republican Party

Oral history transcript oral history, Republican Party
Barron, Keller Bumgardner (b. 1932)
Grass Roots (League of Women Voters)
Finding aid Grass Roots, League of Women Voters
Bass, Jack (b. 1934)
Media (Journalist; Author)
Finding aid Media, Journalist, Author
Bates, Lester Lee, Sr. (1904-1988)
State Leaders (Mayor, Columbia, South Carolina)
Finding aid State Leaders, Mayor, Columbia, South Carolina
Battiste, Luther James, III (b. 1949)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); Community Leader, Columbia, South Carolina
Finding aid Bench and Bar, Attorney, Community Leader, Columbia, South Carolina
Beasley, Gov. and Mrs. David, and Nancy Bunch
State Leaders (Governor); Life in the Governor’s Mansion
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders, Governor
Blatt, Solomon (1895-1986)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid
Digitized materials
State Leaders, General Assembly, digital content
Boineau, Charles E., Jr. (1923-2005)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
State Leaders, General Assembly, oral history
Brack, Andy (b. circa 1961)
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings; Media
Oral history transcript Oral history, Senator,  Media
Brett, Timothy (b. 1953)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Republican Party; Media (Public Relations)

Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders, Republican Party, Media
Bryson, Joseph R. (1893-1953)
Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Campbell, Carroll A., Jr. (1940-2005)
State Leaders (General Assembly, Governor); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Governor, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Campbell, Mrs. Carroll A., and son Mike
State Leaders (Governor); Life in the Governor’s Mansion
Oral history transcript oral history
Campbell, Carroll A. III
Republican Party
Oral history transcript oral history, Republican Party, state leaders
Campbell, Mike
Republican Party
Oral history transcript oral history, Republican Party
Chadwick, Thomas W. (1923-2011)
Staffer to Senator Olin D. Johnston
Oral history transcript oral history, Senate
Chapman, Robert F. (1926-2018)
Bench and Bar (Judicial)
Oral history transcript oral history, Bench and Bar
Cook, Crawford (1934-2016)
Political Consultant
Oral history transcript oral history, Political Consultant
Cook, W. A. “Al” (1925-c. 2005)
Congressional Staffer
Oral history transcript oral history
Cooksey, Jesse L. (1932-2016)
Republican Party
Oral history transcript oral history, Republican Party
Copps, Michael (b. 1940)
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Courson, John (b. 1944)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Culbertson, John Bolt (1908-1983)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); Civil Rights Activist
Finding aid Bench and Bar, Attorney, Civil Rights Activist
Democratic Party of South Carolina
State Party
Finding aid State Party
Democratic Women's Council of South Carolina
Democratic Party Affiliate
Finding aid Democratic Party Affiliate
Dennis, Rembert C. (1915-1992)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly
Derrick, Butler (1936-2014)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)

Finding aid
Digitized materials

Oral history transcript

Oral history transcript

State Leaders, General Assembly, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives, oral history, digital content
Dorn, Watson, and Steve Griffith
1950 Bryan Dorn Campaign
Oral history transcript oral history
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan (1916-2005)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives); Democratic Party
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
Oral history transcript
Digitized materials
oral history, digital content, State Leaders, General Assembly, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Drake, Dwight (b. 1945)
Bench and Bar (Attorney)
Oral history transcript oral history, Bench and Bar
Drummond, John (1919-2016)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly
Edens, J. Drake, Jr. (1925-1982)
Republican Party
Finding aid Republican Party
Edens, Martha (c. 1928-2015)
Republican Party
Oral history transcript oral history, Republican Party
Edwards, Governor James B., Mrs. Ann Edwards, and children James B. Edwards, Jr., and Katherine Edwards Wingate
State Leaders (Governor); Life in the Governor’s Mansion
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Eichel, Henry (b. c. 1944) 
Media (Journalist)
Finding aid media
Environmentalists, Inc.
Grass Roots (Environmental Organization)
Finding aid Grass Roots, Environmental Organization
Ferillo, Charles T. "Bud" (b. 1945)
Democratic Party
Finding aid Democratic Party
Finney, Ernest A. (1931-2017)
Bench and Bar (Judicial); Civil Rights
Oral history transcript oral history, Bench and Bar, Civil Rights
Forbes, Wanda L. (1925-2020)
Republican Party
Finding aid Republican Party
Gasque, Allard Henry (1873-1938)
Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Glad, Betty (1927-2010)
Professor; Author
Finding aid Professor, Author
Graham, George G. (b. 1931)
Republican Party
Oral history transcript oral history, Republican Party
Graydon, Augustus T. "Gus" (1916-2004)
Governor’s Mansion Commission
Oral history transcript oral history
Gregory, John D. (b. 1946)
Bench and Bar (Attorney)
Oral history transcript oral history, Bench and Bar
Gressette, L. Marion (1902-1984)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly
Grose, Philip G. (1938-2012)
Media (Author - Governors’ Staff; McNair, West)
Finding aid Media, Author, Governors’ Staff, McNair, West
Hamby, Lottie D. "Dolly" (1918-2001)
Media (Advertising and Public Relations)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
oral history, Media, Advertising and Public Relations
Hare, Butler Black (1875-1967)
Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Harper, Walter W.
State Leaders (Director of the South Carolina Development Board)
Oral history transcript oral history, state leaders
Harrell, Flynn T., Collection on the Separation of Church and State
Grass Roots (Religious Liberty)
Finding aid Grass Roots, Religious Liberty
Harrelson, James P. "Preacher" (1919-2003) Oral history transcript oral history
Harvin, C. Alexander, III (1950-2005)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Democratic Party
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Democratic Party
Hemphill, Robert W. (1915-1983)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives; Bench and Bar (Judicial)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives, Bench and Bar, Judicial
Hendricks, Lloyd I. (1942-2023)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Banker
Finding aid State Leaders
Hodges, Governor James H., and Mrs. Rachel Hodges
State Leaders (Governor); Life in the Governor’s Mansion
Oral history transcript oral history, state leaders
Holland, Donald H. (1928-2003)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly
Simkins, Modjeska (1899-1992)
Civil Rights
Finding aid
Digitized materials
 Other Collections, Civil Rights, digital content
Hollings, Ernest F. "Fritz" (1922-2019)
State Leaders (General Assembly; Governor); Congress (U.S. Senate)
Finding aid
Digitized materials
Oral history transcript
oral history, digital content, State Leaders, General Assembly, Governor, Congress, U.S. Senate
Hughes, Mary Winton
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Hull, Edward Whaley Seabrook (1923-2007)
Media (Journalist)
Finding aid Media, Journalist
Hunter, Thomas William "Bill" (1906-1979)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); Rural Electrification
Finding aid Bench and Bar, Attorney, Rural Electrification
Johnston, Olin Dewitt Talmadge (1896-1965)
State Leaders (General Assembly; Governor); Congress (U.S. Senate)
Finding aid
Digitized film
State Leaders, General Assembly, Governor, Congress, U.S. Senate, digital content
Kattenburg, Paul M. (1922-2004)
Professor; Diplomatic (U.S. Foreign Service)
Finding aid Professor, Diplomatic, U.S. Foreign Service
Kelly, Mary T. (1923-2013)
Grassroots (League of Women Voters; Environmental)
Finding aid Grassroots, League of Women Voters, Environmental
Kimpson, Milton
Civil Rights
Oral history transcript oral history, Civil Rights
Littlejohn, C. Bruce (1913-2007)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Bench and Bar (Judicial)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Bench and Bar, Judicial
Keyserling, Harriet H. (1922-2010)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly
Kollmansperger, Karen (1941-2012)
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Lake, Robert Campbell, Jr. (1925-2013)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Lardner, Walt (1931-2023)
Media (Editorial Cartoonist)
Finding aid
Digital exhibit
Media, Editorial Cartoonist, digital content
League of Women Voters of Columbia/Richland County
Grassroots Organization
Finding aid Grassroots Organization
League of Women Voters of South Carolina
Grassroots Organization
Finding aid Grassroots Organization
League of Women Voters of Spartanburg
Grassroots Organization
Finding aid Grassroots Organization
Lesesne, Joab M., III
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Leverette, Sarah (1919-2018)
Grassroots (League of Women Voters); Bench and Bar (Attorney)
Finding aid Grassroots, League of Women Voters, Bench and Bar, Attorney
Lewis, E. Crosby (1934-2023)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Democratic Party
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders, Democratic Party
Lourie, Isadore E. (1932-2003)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
State Leaders, General Assembly, oral history
Mann, James R. (1920-2010)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid Bench and Bar, Attorney, State Leaders, General Assembly, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Manning, Bernard (b. 1925)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); Republican Party
Finding aid Bench and Bar, Attorney, Republican Party
Manning, Samuel P. (1926-1999)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly
Marchant, T. Eston (1920-2006)
State Leaders (Adjutant General); Military
Finding aid State Leaders, Adjutant General, Military
Martin, John A. (1921-2009)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Mauldin, Doug (1933-2007)
Media (Journalist)
Finding aid Media, Journalist
Maupin, Joe (1933-2015)
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Maybank, Burnet Rhett (1899-1954)
State Leaders (Mayor, Charleston, South Carolina; Governor); Congress (U.S. Senate)
  State Leaders, Mayor, Charleston, South Carolina,Governor, Congress, U.S. Senate
McAlister, Robert (b. 1950)
Media (Public Relations); Chief of Staff to Governor Carroll Campbell
Oral history transcript oral history, Media
McDonald, Heyward E. (1925-2000)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly
McMillan, John L. (1898-1979)
Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
McMillan, Thomas S. & Clara G. (1888-1939 & 1894-1976)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
McNair, Governor Robert E., and Mrs. Josephine McNair
State Leaders (Governor); Life in the Governor’s Mansion
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
McNair, Robert E. (1923-2007)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); State Leaders (General Assembly; Governor)
Finding aid
Digitized materials
Oral history transcript
Digital exhibit
Bench and Bar, Attorney, State Leaders, General Assembly, Governor, oral history, digital content
Meng, Bernard B. "Bubba" (b. 1938)
Staffer to Senators Olin D. Johnston and Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Mizell, Hayes (1938-2022)
Civil Rights
Oral history transcript oral history, Civil Rights
Monteith, Martha (1921-2019)
Civil Rights; Speech Therapy
Finding aid Civil Rights, Speech Therapy
Moore, Nancy (b. 1939)
Grassroots (League of Women Voters)
Finding aid Grassroots, League of Women Voters
Moore, Richter H., Jr. (1928-1996)
Democratic Party
Finding aid Democratic Party
Morrah, P. Bradley, Jr. (1915-1992)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Military
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Military
Morris, Edgar L. and Ann B. (1911-1975 & 1917-2006)
Republican Party
Finding aid Republican Party
Moxon, Barbara (1921-2011)
Grassroots (League of Women Voters)
Finding aid Grassroots, League of Women Voters
Napier, John Light (b. 1947)
Congress (U.S. House of Representatives); Republican Party

Oral history transcript

Oral history transcript

oral history, Congress, Republican Party
Nave, John & Erminie (1921-2011 & 1923-2017)
Republican Party
Finding aid  
Newman, Isaiah DeQuincey (1911-1985)
Civil Rights; State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid
Digitized materials
Civil Rights, State Leaders, General Assembly, digital content
Norman, Elestine
Congressional Staffer to Bryan Dorn, Butler Derrick, and Lindsey Graham
Oral history transcript oral history
Occupy Columbia    
Palmer, Kate Salley (b.1946)
Media (Cartoonist, Author)
Finding aid  
Parker, Marshall (1922-2008)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Patterson, Elizabeth J. (1939-2018)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)

Finding aid
Oral history transcript

Oral history transcript

State Leaders, General Assembly, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives, oral history
Patterson, Grady L., Jr. (1924-2009)
State Leaders (South Carolina State Treasurer)
Finding aid State Leaders, South Carolina State Treasurer
Payne, Martha (1922-2014)
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Perry, Matthew J., Jr. (1921-2011)
Bench and Bar (Judicial); Civil Rights

Oral history transcript

Oral history transcript

oral history, Bench and Bar, Civil Rights
Pope, Thomas Harrington, Jr. (1913-1999) Oral history transcript oral history
Powell, C. Kenneth (1939-2019)
Republican Party

Finding aid 

Oral history transcript

Republican Party, oral history
Price, Jean
Staffer to Congressman Butler Derrick

Oral history transcript

oral history
Ravenel, Arthur Jr. (1927-2023)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives); Republican Party
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders, Congress, Republican Party
Ravenel, Charles D. "Pug" (1938-2017)
Democratic Party
Finding aid Democratic Party
Ravenel, Hal (b. 1940)
Democratic Party
Oral history transcript oral history, Democratic Party
Republican Party of South Carolina
State Party
Finding aid State Party
Richards, James P. (1894-1979)
Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Riley, Ann Yarborough "Tunky" (1935-2008)
State Leaders (First Lady, South Carolina/Governor Richard Riley)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
Oral history transcript
oral history, State Leaders, First Lady, South Carolina, Governor Richard Riley
Riley, Edward P. "Ted" (1900-1994)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); Democratic Party
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
oral history, Bench and Bar, Attorney, Democratic Party
Riley, Governor Richard W., Mrs. Ann “Tunky” Riley, and son Ted Riley
State Leaders (Governor); Life in the Governor’s Mansion
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Riley, Richard W. (b. 1933)
State Leaders (General Assembly; Governor); U.S. Secretary of Education
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Governor, U.S. Secretary of Education
Roettinger, Ruth Locke (c. 1905-2005)
Committee to Study [the] Existing State Constitution (Appointed by Governor Strom Thurmond)
Finding aid Committee to Study [the] Existing State Constitution, Appointed by Governor Strom Thurmond,
Rogers, Joseph O., Jr. (1921-1999)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Military
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Military
Ross, Daniel I., Jr. (1923-2008)
Republican Party

Finding aid
Oral history transcript

oral history, Republican Party
Rubin, Hyman S. (1913-2005)
State Leaders (Mayor pro tem, Columbia; General Assembly); Civil Rights
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders, Civil Rights
Rudd, David
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Russell, Donald S. (1906-1998)
State Leaders (Governor); Congress (U.S. Senate); Bench and Bar (Judicial)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
Digital exhibit
oral history, State Leaders, Governor, Congress, U.S. Senate, Bench and Bar, Judicial
Saleeby, Edward E. (1927-2002)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
State Leaders, General Assembly, oral history
Scott, Sallie
Daughter of Senator Olin D. Johnston
Oral history transcript oral history
Self, James C., Jr. (1919-1998)
Textile Industry; Real Estate Development
Oral history transcript oral history
Sellers, Cleveland (b. 1944)
Civil Rights
Oral history transcript oral history, Civil Rights
Shetterly, Russell B. (b. 1940)
State Leaders (South Carolina Association of Counties)

Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Shorey, Gregory D. (b. 1924)
Republican Party
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
oral history, Republican Party
Smith, Frances (c. 1920-2009)
Bench and Bar (Clerk of the South Carolina Supreme Court)
Oral history transcript oral history, Bench and Bar
Smoak, Marion (1916-2020)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Republican Party

Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Republican Party
South Carolina Coalition for the ERA
Grassroots Organization
Finding aid Grassroots Organization
South Carolinians for Eisenhower
Grassroots Organization
Finding aid Grassroots Organization
Spence, Floyd D. (1928-2001)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
Oral history transcript
oral history, State Leaders, General Assembly, Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Tallon, Robert M. "Robin" (b. 1946) Finding aid  
Theodore, Nick A. (b. 1928)
State Leaders (General Assembly; Lieutenant Governor)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Lieutenant Governor
Thrift, Ashley Ormand (b. 1946)
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Oral history transcript oral history
Timmerman, George Bell, Jr. (1912-1994)
State Leaders (Governor); Democratic Party
Finding aid State Leaders, Governor, Democratic Party
Turnipseed, Tom (1936-2020) Finding Aid  
Vertical Files Inventory  
Waddell, James M., Jr. (1922-2003)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid
Oral history transcript
State Leaders, General Assembly, oral history
Waites, Candy Yaghjian (b. 1943)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Grassroots (League of Women Voters)
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Grassroots, League of Women Voters
Walker, Harry (1929-2008)
State Leaders (Legal Assistant to Governor Ernest F. Hollings)
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Walker, Richard L. "Dixie" (1922-2003)
Professor; Diplomatic (U.S. Ambassador to Republic of Korea)
Finding aid
Digitized materials
Professor, Diplomatic, U.S. Ambassador to Republic of Korea, digital content
Walters, Johnnie M. (1919-2014)
Bench and Bar (Attorney; Assistant U.S. Attorney General)
Finding aid Bench and Bar, Attorney, Assistant U.S. Attorney General
West, Governor John C., Mrs. Lois West, and daughter Shelton West Bosley
State Leaders (Governor); Life in the Governor’s Mansion
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
West, John Carl (1922-2004)
State Leaders (General Assembly; Governor); Diplomatic (U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia)

Finding aid
Digitized materials
Oral history transcript
Oral history transcript

Digital exhibit

State Leaders, General Assembly, Governor,  Diplomatic, U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, oral history, digital content
West, Lois (1921-2014) Oral history transcript
Oral history transcript
oral history
Wexler, Nu
Staffer to Senator Ernest F. Hollings; Democratic Party
Oral history transcript oral history
Wickenberg, Charles H., Jr. (1923-2004)
Media (Journalist); Military
Finding aid Media, Journalist, Military
Williams, Isaac W. "Ike" (1945-2008)
Civil Rights
Oral history transcript oral history, Civil Rights
Williams, Marshall (1912-1995)
State Leaders (General Assembly)
Oral history transcript oral history, State Leaders
Workman, William D., Jr. (1914-1990)
Media (Journalist; Author); Republican Party; Military
Finding aid Media, Journalist, Author, Republican Party,  Military
Worthington, Kathy
Congressional Staffer to Mendel Rivers, Mendel Davis, Tommy Hartnett, Arthur Ravenel, and Mark Sanford
Oral history transcript oral history
Wyche, Charles Cecil (1885-1966)
State Leaders (General Assembly); Bench and Bar (Judicial); Military
Finding aid State Leaders, General Assembly, Bench and Bar, Judicial, Military
Wyman, Hastings (b. 1939)
Republican Party
Finding aid Republican Party
Zeigler, Eugene N. "Nick," Jr. (1921-2012)
Bench and Bar (Attorney); State Leaders (General Assembly)
Finding aid Bench and Bar, Attorney, State Leaders, General Assembly



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