Engagement Details

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495


What to Expect

Get inside the game! Take your place inside a major sports or entertainment organization, gaining hands-on professional experience and access to industry players. This six-hour course is designed to cap off your undergraduate studies. Past placements have included AEG Live, the Atlanta Falcons and the New York Knicks.

This engagement qualifies for these special designations:

  • GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement
  • Experiential Learning Opportunity
  • Option to appear on USC Experience extended transcript

Term: Fall 2024



Time Commitment: 400 or more hours
Who Can Participate: See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites
Minimum Credit Hours: See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites
Minimum GPA:  See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites
Other Requirements See Academic Bulletin for Course Prerequisites


Engagement Benefits

How expectations are communicated:
Group orientation / class session(s)

Learning activities:
Apply specialized knowledge
Career development

Knowledge or skills developed:
Specialized knowledge and skills

Who you will work with:
External agency (employer, college, school, community agency)
Faculty member(s) on this campus

Who will communicate feedback and how:
Group / class session with faculty member
Group / class session with external supervisor

Reflection expectations:
(1-1) session(s) with faculty
Each student creates e-portfolio artifact(s)


Additional Information

Academic Bulletin