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Graduation and Retention Network

2024-2025 Winter Session

SPTE 274

Computer Applications in Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management

The purpose of the SPTE 274 course is to help you become more skilled in using Microsoft Excel and be prepared for subsequent courses. This is particularly important if your major field of study is HRTM, RETL or SPTE. Several courses in the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management require Microsoft Excel knowledge prior to taking the course.

SPTE 274 is a completely, pure online course. Online classes are not easier than in-person courses. To succeed in an online class, you must be motivated and well-organized. Students will need to purchase SIMnet with access to the SIMbook and have access the first day of the course. Other course materials are available via Blackboard and SIMnet.

Regular Internet access is necessary for successful completion of the course. Course assignments are best completed on a Windows-based computer and some assignments must be completed on a Windows-based computer due to the fact that Macs do not have the full version of Microsoft Excel. However, hundreds of Mac users have been successful in this course.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Correctly use computer terminology related to Microsoft Excel.
  2. Efficiently prepare Excel spreadsheets.
  3. Integrate Excel components with each other; and
  4. Perform quantitative analysis.
  5. Create effective presentation tutorials pertaining to Excel.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
